Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Sobering Post

This is a story about a WoW council member that had just recently quit and his feeling on MMORPGs in general:

I hope you guys have time to read it. I'm not asking for everyone to omgwtf quit, but just evaluate your behavior with regards to the game, and whether it is consuming you. Is it a drug to you? Do you need to back off some? Am I fostering bad behavior in others? The last thing I want is for anyone in CK or even outside for that matter to become unrecoverably lost in Vanadiel -- forsaking all their real life commitments, opportunities, family and friends.

Also, in one part he feels like a "drug dealer" dealing out new content to players. If you ever feel like any of the CK officers are like this, please let me know. I never want anyone to feel like we're forcing an addictive drug down your throat.

We're all here to have fun, conquer new things, improve as players, and generally enjoy the Vanadiel that is -- but not at the cost of our own personal health and success. Let's take care of each other, and even more importantly take care of ourselves.

Game responsibly!

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