The Balladless Bard
I decided to play some bard to see how I like it, especially since I hate to seek for such a long time. Well, I gotta tell you that invites are quick. Heck I even get invites while bazaaring in Batallia Downs. The downside to all this quick leveling is, there is no motivation to buy any gear at all, since you'd be likely to just sell it within a day or two. So, instead I've been wearing my smithing and fishing gear, and replacing it with CHR gear as it becomes available. Why waste valuable AH spaces to sell boring gear that will take a week to sell anyways?
I can't even find a Mage's ballad scroll on the AH. The one on there now is at least 70k, more than twice the worth of the scroll. Maybe I'll be forced to do the actual quest o.o; Until then I'm a ballad-less level 25 bard! How embarassing!
In crafting news: I got smithing to 86, 0/1 on Hauby (10% ice new moon), and HQed pair of luisant solerets :D I'm no sugar daddy yet though.
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