Noble's Tunic!
Finally got one for myself Thursday night. We took down two Kirins melee style for one Kirin Osode (Rigelus), Crimson Cuisses (Anaeran), Noble's Tunic (Enz), Kirin's Pole and Damascus Ingot (Split). Congratulations to everyone :) Special thanks to Aeron for making my Noble's Tunic! :D
As for an update on doing Kirin melee style, we're definitely improving, but still are having a lot of deaths. I think we need at least one whm in the alliance for barstonra, curagas and scoping out who to cure. The other thing is I think melees are going into the fight without major buffs like Shellra V, which makes 2hrs and stonegas hit harder. The deaths make the fight last longer overall, but we're still doing an average of less than 30 minutes (including killing all minis). We'll keep fine-tuning, to make sure we can reduce the deaths and speed up the time.
Been hanging out with my gf a bit more since she's here to visit me. I'll be playing a little bit more next week before I head to China.
Congratulations on your Nobles! And you going to China? bOooooO >.>
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