Monday, December 18, 2006

A very fun weekend :)

Happy Monday to all of you. Small update here.

Thursday I came on quite late to a quarrel between the gilseller LS Tarutaruhome and CK about who got to pop Byakko. Apparently, Tarutaruhome were going to pop Byakko ("Baihu" White Tiger) until they dropped Haidate and weren't letting other LSs pop including CK and Rawr. We had been waiting for 30 minutes and everyone was very upset. I talked to Demolamane (the leader) and asked if we could just get one pop in and then they could continue. He's actually very nice. He immediately agreed. I also apologized for some members who had taken their frustrations out on them =P Congrats to Eulore on the Haidate :) That night we also popped two Suzy and one Genbu for mediocre drops. No Kirin since we didn't have the time.

Saturday we farmed sky and got Ullikummi straight away. We even watched Zipacna die at the very onset, so we knew ToD and re-camped it when it's window was back up and got it. In between it was a very quiet couple hours trying to camp SC. No luck there. We also narrowly missed Faust. Gilsellers pulled it earlier than us. We thought that they were going to wipe because they prematurely pulled. The PLD ALMOST died, but they held on ftw. After we killed Zip we checked on MG one last time and he was up. Finally! A nice three NMs to snag. Not a bad farming day.

I spent some time leveling my red mage from 37 to 41 this weekend. My first party as a refreshing rdm was with four ppl to be refreshed... AND a moving party. wtf. RDM is a tough job because you have to be focused at all times throwing all sorts of disparate things at the mob. It's very demanding, but very rewarding :) Exp and invites are fast.

On Sunday we did Apollyon NE and got a shiteload of coins. Pauge paid me back some coins and now only owes me another 10. But this puts me at 25. Debating on whether to get the healer's mitts +1 at the cost of serious loss of space.

After Limbus, I asked Mori to help me with Rutter Sabatons, since he'd promised he'd come back to help. Well, we went and somehow messed up the gates and I had to go get some more firesand. It was a slight setback, but in the end was worth it. I got my pair, which by the way I LOVE. Helps out those Vorpal Blades a lot :) Thank you Moriarti, Zylia and Caliysto!

Ended the night with some Assault. Anaeran just finished his semester, so we set out to help him finish up some PSC assaults. We won all three, but ALMOST lost the mamool ja training grounds one, which I really hate. I had to go before I could spend my last tag since my gf called.


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