Monday, November 13, 2006

Two Behemoths, Ullikummi, and some Swift Belts

This weekend we camped Behemoth both days since Fafnir was pretty much too early for us to contend for. Both times we missed claim. I think the key to claiming Behemoth is standing near the center and spinning around until you see him and then smashing your claim button. KB was on Sunday... and boy was he mean. Element had claim, but they were getting eaten alive with meteor. Probably almost ten meteors had gone off, both of their tanks had died, some BLMs were kiting. It was a mess. I think even some other LSs had gotten some hate in by curing the tanks or ppl who had died that were in the alliance and then using invincible. This prolonged the mayhem even further. Element realized at that rate they weren't gonna make it, so they brought out another pld. To our dismay, they stabilized and averted what would have been a disaster ending in KB going hyper.

We camped Ullikummi two times on Saturday, once before Behemoth and once after. There are now gilsellers there constantly, but luckily one of them is one that I know well and am on good terms with. Do you guys remember Peterli and Flypanda? They are back and they are part of the reason you are seeing gilsellers fighting Kirin. In fact, they've already done it all on Midgard -- including sea. So it's only a matter of time I think. Give it another half a year and they will have penetrated even more parts of the game. Peterli is actually running his own business now and employing his friends. Every month he's earning more and more. Anyways, the first Ulli we lost claim to gilsellers. The second time around, they claimed it but the claimer died on the way back and Ulli went yellow. We picked it up, destroyed it, caught MG on WS and destroyed him too. MG was a bit more difficult because we only had one BLM. It was a terrible pull and one pld irrecoverably died. And somehow, each one of those slaves were beaten individually, while MG was kited. However since we were low on DPS it was a slow fight... much longer than usual. We won though and called it a day for sky farming.

Later on Saturday night we did Ouryu. Trying to get ppl to go to Ouryu is like pulling teeth. It took 2 hours just to get ppl there. Unacceptable. Our brd dropped before we could even start. So when we did start we only had 17 ppl. It was a rough fight. We tried using pld/war tanks this time, and they were taking a ton of dmg from magic. WHMs were burning mp too fast. Meanwhile, a few melee new to this BC were there and they were hitting sleeping worms, using their ws on worms instead of on Ouryu. I mean how hard is it to communicate with your skillchain partner: "Hey im at 125% tp. Let's go." then just rip it on Ouryu. Just give BLMs like 3 second notice thats all you need. It's not rocket science. Hopefully next time we'll have our act together.

Did another swift belt run on Sunday morning. I farmed my codex 1/1 the night before :D I thought my luck had changed. It did kind of, we went 3/5, but I didn't get the swift belt. I'm 0/3 now ; ; I did get Tungi afterwards though, 1/4 overall! :)

Got BST to 56. I wear horns on my head now. Wonderful. Also (almost) have rampage. Trying to build up some str gear to help things out. Probably will be buying a Haubergeon this week (finally). Sold an astral ring to do it though.

Sunday night CK did Apollyon NE. Was a pain in the arse. Ton of coins though! Each person got four coins, plus we got 2 drk and 2 blm AF items. I still have to decide which AF item I want first. I can choose from any of the whm or pld pieces since I have the items for both of them. Right now I'm leaning more towards some WHM piece, but we'll see what I decide in a few days.

Assault was a blast, as always. We got Firebrand his PFC and then did the Orichalcum Survey PFC run. It takes a bland activity like mining and makes it a lot more fun :) Maybe they have a fishing assault?

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