CK Swat Team
There was a server update on Monday night. Instead of going to sea we decided to camp HNM. Fafnir, Behemoth and Adamantoise popped -- none claimed. I wish we went to sea! ; ;
On a spur of of the moment, we decided to do KSNM30 Contaminated Colisseum. We had 2x SMN, BLM, WHM, DRK, NIN. It was really easy. We went 4/4, though had a few deaths. The money drops aren't that great from this one, but we did get 3 morlborger vines, two morgenstern, one thyrssustab, one senjuinrikio, two o. ingots, one adaman ingot, and other misc. junk. Overall it was a lot of fun! So happy I got the best whm/pld club in the game. Now just to unlock it. 1/500 points so far >.>;

Afterwards we went to sky to camp Ulli. We were freakin lucky all night. Within 10 minutes of arriving, Ulli popped. Unfortunately, I was resting and Pauge was watching a statue die for ToD -- and we missed it ; ; JP got it (instead of RMT) so that was good. We're then like damn we just came up here for nothing?! Hell no! We went to Steam Cleaner and popped him first try -- win + indra katars (rdm can wield those?!). We then went to water and got two Ro'Maeve Waters in less than 30 minutes. We killed both ollas, np. We then went to Faust (and picked up a Curtana otw) to see if we could duo or trio it -- but it wasn't up. Not only that but the RMT camp it like it were Ulli. They sit there at his spawn point. Don't expect to EVER see an available Faust again. Mind you we did this all with 5 people. I think this is the way sky was meant to be done. We were a CK swat team. GTFI -- get the job done -- GTFO.
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