Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I don't want to talk about it...

But I do. We claimed Fafnir for the first time in quite some time and wiped. There were several key aspects to this wipe:

(1) Ppl getting hit by breath because of standing in front of Fafnir
(2) Inability of mages to keep up stoneskin.
(3) Winds day, the day when Fafnir spams wings
(4) Mistake claim of a darter.

Ultimately (4) brought us down, but (1), (2), and (3) were really stunting our ability to bring him down at the onset. It reminded me of HappyAngels fight with him only the day before, where he did 24 wings, mostly on Winds day. If not for (4), we probably could have regained composure to put some serious heat.

Once you claim a darter it's pretty much over. 3/4 tanks were weakened. Our BLMs were living from elemental seal to elemental seal just trying to keep fafnir asleep. 5 Darters. What can you do? We tried to nuke + melee one darter at a time, but Cursed Sphere is a b****. It will drain your alliance hp fast, taking the mages mp with it. Timed nuke, timed sleep by BLMs would include Fafnir and most likely they would die from a combined darter+fafnir attack. That would probably be your best bet though. The whole ordeal would take 10 minutes, then another 5 minutes to recover, all in all losing about 15 minutes. That's the best case situation. Worst case, fafnir moves and you get flailed. I

It's in the past now. I think we all learned a lesson on which we can improve our gameplay and are moving forward.

It hurts to lose like that, especially with the competition onlooking. But we'll bounce back. We always do. We'll be there tomorrow. The next time we claim Fafnir we will not lose.

'Til next claim. Shout out to all of CK. Keep ya head up!

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