Less playtime
I've been really busy at work due to a deadline this week. Been staying until 7-8PM PST almost every day. As such, I've been missing most events.
I managed to squeeze out four merits this week and five gold imperial coins. Now 5/20 towards my turban. I put two of the merits into crit rate up and saving the other two so I can raise crit rate again.
I assaulted on wednesday night, quite late though. Rigelus had already fallen asleep and somehow woke back up by the time we started. We did Golden Salvage (with brd/smn and whm/smn!), Excavation Duty, and the psc mamool ja training grounds one where they throw weapons at doors. We won the first two, lost the third. That one is so random. Not to mention that some of the weapons that were thrown missed the doors, so that didn't help. Only up ~1600 assault points on the night.
Thursdays are our sky nights, and I had 6/8 mini pop items to use. Not only that, since I had come late, they pretty much cleaned out sky except Ulli, so we had a few more gods to go through. We did two genbus (a. hands to Zy finally! Genbu shield to me and Ase, w. feet to wak), one seiryu (s. kote moriarti and d. head i forgot?), and one suzaku (n. feet to Kyp and s. scythe to me!). We did pretty well on the night. Suzy we fought on Firesday, and for some reason our chainspell stun was useless. He got probably 4-5 firagas off and almost completely obliterated the alliance. Luckily, we had a friend Blazeoffury there who we invited and held onto it as we regained our composure. In the end it was worth it since it dropped the incredibly rare n. feet :) We decided not to do another Suzy that night lol. We never lose to Suzy, but she can pack a punch on firesday. Beware! Congratulations to all that got goodies.
This weekend I'll be in LA to visit my gf. Going to take a break from the game. See ya'll on Monday!
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