Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Mad Juggler!

Last night "Shadows of the Departed" quest that we had decided to do on a whim was cancelled. The KSNM that I had signed up for wouldn't start for another few hours.

Something about me: I can't stand doing nothing. I'm always doing something. Not only in game but irl too. Last night I had a couple hours to kill so I found the warhorse footprint thanks to Amenti :) and ranked up to Superior Private. After that, I kept myself on hold and waited for the KSNM to start -- we were waiting for Daodao to finish assaults and had no idea when that would be. Could be 1 hour, could be 2. No idea. So I just waited. Drove me insane!

I'm also working on some stuff irl concurrently while playing. I'm recording 23 one hour camcorder videos onto my computer. So every hour I'm rewinding tapes, putting in new tapes, playing with some software. Also I call up my gf and talk to her. So you can imagine: I have two computers running, fiddling with a camcorder, playing a game, talking to my gf all at once. Might as well get some balls and juggle while I'm at it.

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