BCNM Under Observation
Is the most retarded BCNM ever. I'm 0/15 or so now on PCC. What a waste of seals. I wish there was a more profitable BCNM out there. The only good thing I can say about it is that I've gained 32 Ninjutsu skill while doing that BCNM >.>
We did Kirin and Byakko last night. Byakko had uninteresting drops. Kirin we did tp burn style again. We kited the minis (THANKFULLY) before burnin Kirin down. Unfortunately we decided to do this all on earths day. Once minis were dead it took Kirin a full 15 minutes to die -- and he took a lot of ppl down with him. Overall he was a LOT harder than last time. We still have to practice a lot before we can say we've mastered this technique. Good drops though! Kirin's Osode to Pauge (finally eh?), Neptunal Abj: Body to Zylia and Shining Cloth to Gilsplit. Thanks to AerialNexus for patiently waiting for us to finish and also helping us out on minis.
I crafted my own Haubergeon -- after about two years of wanting this damn thing. I supposedly have a 10% HQ rate. Before that I made 8 Haubergeons and broke one. This was my tenth synth and I was keen on getting a +1 :D But luck wasn't on my side today and I'll have to settle for an NQ. I am broke now tho.
Assault = lots of fun without the gilsellers. We did Lamia no.19, Pre-emptive strike, and Requiem. I'm already at 18/25 to my next rank. This next rank will take longer because we will NEVER do Lebros Supplies. Pretty hard to believe but I already have about 3k points per assault region. That means I'm 15% way done for a full set of Yigit :)
Update: 19/500 on Morgenstern points. Fizzywig who also got his the same day already has like 350 points. He found a mnk who needed to unlock destroyers. LUCKY!
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