Monday, November 20, 2006

Swift Belt! {mine}

This was a good weekend. On Saturday we farmed sky. A couple months ago I picked up a curtana and gave it to Moriarti and said "Hold this, we'll do BB next week." Two months later we finally used his damn curtana lol. I had another one too that I had picked up only a week before, so we did two BB. We had so many ppl there at sky farming that we decided to do a couple seiryus. Congratulations to Javir and Rimare on A. Legs, Moriarti for W. Hands, and Kypdurron on S. Kote. After that Faust popped. I taught Javir how to solo the dolls up there and we were gearing him up to try and solo Faust. He tried to solo it, but I guess even with powder boots and a bind he wasn't fast enough. One of the big problems was that he was /whm. He thinks he knows what to do to fix it -- so, next time. We ended up getting Faust anyways and then spending the rest of our time waiting for Ulli to pop. Unfortunately he popped about an hour after we left.

We did Bahamut v1 again. I think Saturday nights are a terrible time to do events in CK since its like pulling teeth to get ppl to go. It always ends up taking an hour or more just to gather ppl. Somehow we were able to gather 16, and we went and killed him. He wiped half the alliance with gigaflare and his last like 8% proved to be difficult to take down with only a few tanks, mages, and a ranger hehe.

After that I did ksnm30 Copy Cat for the first time. I went with Godofdeath, Jediknight, Naotakun, Moriarti and Voxx. It was an easy fight and we went 5/5. We got four pairs of fuma sune-ates (420k each), several a. ingots and one o. ingot. I also got a retributor and Naotakun got a coffinmaker for his COR. Nice :)

After that I farmed up my codex 1/15 and then Wyle came to help me fight some BST Fomor, which FINALLY dropped the subligar for me. W00t!

On Sunday morning we did a swift belt run. I'm telling you the absolute best time to do swift belt is during the new moon 1 darks day / fire day time frame. We went 5/5 on that damn belt, which only weeks before had jipped us at 0/7. Congratulations to Kyr, Chantal, Rece, Javir and myself :D It was a good time and I'm really happy to have ended that chapter. It took me nearly 20 hours of camping. After that I went to finish a few quests that had me backed up with some ra/ex items. I took a short nap afterwards because honestly I was exhausted.

I woke up to everyone teleporting to Dem for Limbus. Man I just barely woke up in time to make it. We have been making a habit to kill a yovra before entering each Limbus -- and I got the organ this time! W00t! All I need is 1 aern organ and 3 hpemdes for my Soil Gorget. We then fought Omega. I had really been anticipating this fight for a long time since the last time I did it was many months ago -- the first time CK fought him. Since then they had fought him two or three more times and I had missed him each time. Not only that, a lot of my comrades had started to amassing Homam gear -- so I was really hoping for a piece tonight. I really want to tank a Wyrm as pld/nin, and I feel that these pieces are absolutely critical. Omega is pretty easy with rdm/drks and we had two, but somehow things went awry and almost EVERYONE had wiped before we got him down. I lotted very low lots for the drops ; ; But, congratulations to Eulore for the Homam Cosciales (HOT) and Zylia for the Homam Gambieras!

After that we did a few assaults, flawless victories of course. I duoed some merits with Pauge in Caedarva Mire, but it was freakin packed as all hell. A lot of ppl duo there now too so its even more crowded and we didn't fare as well as in the past.

Update: 85/500 Morgenstern. Slowly but surely.

I'm going to relax a bit this Thanksgiving week and catch up on some much needed sleep. Have a great one my friends!

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At 5:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Grats buddy, I went 0/12 on that thing lol

At 2:28 PM, Blogger peterjez said...

Hey Mistra! Thanks for reading my log :) Hope all is going well!

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey man, I actually check up here often to see how you are doing. I have some news for you about some things, shoot me an email.


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